Em-Tips Be Happy and Healthy with the Right Diet

There are so many different diets or eating lifestyles. Not every diet is for everyone. It is important to speak to your provider - doctor, dietician, nutritionist, or health coach to decide which eating lifestyle is sustainable and best for your health. The most popular healthy diets include:
Antiinflammatory Diet - plant based high in monosaturated and omega 3 polyunsaturated fats; nuts, legumes, lean proteins, whole grains and spices
DASH Diet - dietary approaches to stop hypertension - fruits, vegetables, low saturated fats and refine sugars and dairy, rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C
Gluten Free Diet - Avoid gluten which is in wheat, barley and rye and otehr foods
Low Fod Map Diet - restricting fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols like fructose, lactose, fructans, galctans, polyols, and raffinose which are not digestable or absorbed well
Ketogenic Diet - high fat and protein and low carbohydrates
Paleo Diet - plant based, lean meats and seafood, no sugar, salt, dairy, or grains
Mediterranean Diet - low saturated fats and high consupmtion of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish and olive oil
Vegetarian - fruits, vegetables, grains - depending on type of vegetarian - dairy, eggs
Vegan - vegetarian but no animal or animal dervied products
Use the 80: 20 rule. Adhere to the healthiest diet that suits your lifestyle 80% ofthe time. You can have something out side the diet less than 20 % of the time.
I prefer a hybrid pescetarian, paleo anti inflammatory diet.
One eating lifestyle is not for everyone.
Everything in moderation.
Your health. Simple.
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